Terms of use

ImageMARK can be used as Service in which case its code is hosted at izhuk.com or as Product installed on your server.

The Service is Free To use it download the developer's pack and embed ImageMARK in your page(s) according to the instruction included in the pack.

To use ImageMARK as Product buy one of the licenses below:

License Price How to Get
Domain name license
Allows installing the editor on the specified domain name or any its subdomain or Intranet host or IP address.
125 USD Please contact
Redistributable license
Allows installing the editor on unlimited number of Internet and Intranet servers,
for example using it as part of your redistributable web application.
375 USD Please contact
Redistributable license and the source code
Allows you to use the editor at any number of Internet or Intranet servers.
The source code can be used to modify the product (but may not be redistributed itself).
950 USD Please contact

After purchase the Product pack will be emailed to you within 24 hours. If you're not sure which license to buy you can choose a cheaper one and upgrade it later by covering the price difference.

If you're not sure whether you need the Product license begin with Free Service. The Service is convenient for unimportant activities or Product evluation before buy. The Product is better for production needs. The table below compares features and restrictions of the Service and Product.

Feature Service Product
Price Free Buy a license
Code Location at izhuk.com at your server
Performance and availablity provided by izhuk.com on best-efforts basis depends on your server
Using in Intranet networks impossible available
Using with HTTPS impossible available